Wednesday, October 24, 2007

What Does It Mean To Be Homeless?

Below are descriptions of the experience of many people in homelessness. This is not everyone’s experience, but these are very common experiences of the homeless.

Homelessness means that you walk miles to every meal.
It means regularly being asked by the police for your identification and being questioned about your activities, at least once a week.
It means that you need to hide your living space.
It means moving every couple of months so you don’t get harassed by the police or others who invade your camp.
It means hanging out with people who don’t care about you, and who do dangerous things or just act crazy.
It means dealing daily with people who are addicted and/or mentally ill.
It means you have little or no privacy.
It means that you are separated from your children
It means that you receive rejection and hostility from most people. People assume that you should be able to help yourself get out of your situation, and although you have tried, you just can’t.
It means to have your possessions stolen or ruined on a regular basis.
It means that you spend more time giving up than hoping.
It means constantly wanting money for your needs, but when you get money, you use it poorly.