Final Requirement
Every congressperson, mayor, judge, bishop and CEO in this country should be met by Jesus, who would say,
"Congratulations on obtaining your position! There is only one requirement left before you take on your role:
If you are a lawmaker, you must spend six months homeless, living on the street.
If you are a bishop, you must spend six months living in a mental health institution.
If you are a judge, you must spend six months living in a prison.
If you are a CEO, you must live as the lowest paid worker in your organization for six months.
Only then you will be ready to take on your position of power."
"Congratulations on obtaining your position! There is only one requirement left before you take on your role:
If you are a lawmaker, you must spend six months homeless, living on the street.
If you are a bishop, you must spend six months living in a mental health institution.
If you are a judge, you must spend six months living in a prison.
If you are a CEO, you must live as the lowest paid worker in your organization for six months.
Only then you will be ready to take on your position of power."